Source code for pylipid.func.kinetics

# PyLipID: A python module for analysing protein-lipid interactions
# Author: Wanling Song
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"""This module contains functions for calculating interaction residence time and koff.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from ..plot import plot_koff

__all__ = ["cal_koff", "cal_survival_func", "calculate_koff_wrapper"]

[docs]def cal_koff(durations, t_total, timestep, nbootstrap=10, initial_guess=[1., 1., 1., 1.], cap=True): r"""Calculate residence time and koff. This function calculates the normalized survival time correlation function of the given list of durations, and fits t he survival function to a bi-exponential curve [1]_. The survival time correlation function σ(t) is calculated as follow .. math:: \sigma(t) = \frac{1}{N_{j}} \frac{1}{T-t} \sum_{j=1}^{N_{j}} \sum_{v=0}^{T-t}\tilde{n}_{j}(v, v+t) where T is the length of the simulation trajectory, :math:`N_{j}` is the total number of lipid contacts and :math:`\sum_{v=0}^{T-t} \tilde{n}_{j}(v, v+t)` is a binary function that takes the value 1 if the contact of lipid j lasts from time ν to time v+t and 0 otherwise. The values of :math:`\sigma(t)` are calculated for every value of t from 0 to T ns, for each time step of the trajectories, and normalized by dividing by :math:`\sigma(t)`, so that the survival time-correlation function has value 1 at t = 0. The normalized survival function is then fitted to a biexponential to model the long and short decays of lipid relaxation: .. math:: \sigma(t) \sim A e^{-k_{1} t}+B e^{-k_{2} t}\left(k_{1} \leq k_{2}\right) This function then takes :math:`k_{1}` as the the dissociation :math:`k_{off}`, and calculates the residence time as :math:`\tau=1 / k_{o f f}`. This function also measures the :math:`r^{2}` of the biexponential fitting to the survival function to show the quality of the :math:`k_{off}` estimation. In addition, it bootstraps the contact durations and measures the :math:`k_{off}` of the bootstrapped data, to report how well lipid contacts are sampled from simulations. The lipid contact sampling, the curve-fitting and the bootstrap results can be conveniently checked via the :math:`k_{off}` plot. The :math:`r^{2}`, :math:`\sigma(t)` and bootstrapped data are stored in the returned data ``properties``. Parameters ---------- durations : array_like A list of interaction durations t_total : scalar The duration, or the longest if using multiple simulations of different durations, of the simulation trajectories. Should be in the same time unit as durations. timestep : scalar :math:`\Delta t` of the survival function :math:`\sigma`. Often takes the time step of the simulation trajectories or multiples of the trajectory time step. Should be in the same time unit as durations. nbootstrap : int, optional, default=10 Number of bootstrapping. The default is 10. initial_quess : list, optional, default=(1., 1., 1., 1.) The initial guess for fitting of a bi-exponential curve to the survival function. Used by `scipy.optimize.curve_fit <>`_. cap : bool, optional, default=True Cap the returned residence time to ``t_total``. This is useful for cases of poor samplings where the curve fitting may be bad and the calculated residence times may be unrealistically large. Returns ---------- koff : scalar The calculated koff. In the unit of :math:`{timeunit^{-1}}` in which :math:`{timeunit}` is the same as what is used in ``durations``. res_time : scalar The calculated residence time. In the same time unit as used by ``durations``. properties : dict A dictionary of all the computed values, including the original and bootstrapped koffs, residence times, ks of the bi-expo curve :math:`y=A*e^{(-k_1*x)}+B*e^{(-k_2*x)}` and :math:`R^2`. See also ----------- pylipid.plot.plot_koff Plotting function for interaction durations and the calculated survival function. pylipid.api.LipidInteraction.compute_residue_koff Calculate interaction koff and residence time for residues. pylipid.api.LipidInteraction.compute_site_koff Calculate interaction koff and residence time for binding sites. References ----------- .. [1] García, Angel E.Stiller, Lewis. Computation of the mean residence time of water in the hydration shells of biomolecules. 1993. Journal of Computational Chemistry. """ # calculate original residence time delta_t_list = np.arange(0, t_total, timestep) survival_func = cal_survival_func(durations, np.max(t_total), delta_t_list) survival_rates = np.array([survival_func[delta_t] for delta_t in delta_t_list]) res_time, _, r_squared, params = _curve_fitting(survival_func, delta_t_list, initial_guess) if cap and res_time > t_total: res_time = t_total n_fitted = _bi_expo(np.array(delta_t_list), *params) r_squared = 1 - np.sum((np.nan_to_num(n_fitted) - np.nan_to_num(survival_rates)) ** 2) / np.sum( (survival_rates - np.mean(survival_rates)) ** 2) ks = [abs(k) for k in params[:2]] ks.sort() # the smaller k is considered as koff # calculate bootstrapped residence time if nbootstrap > 0: duration_boot_set = [np.random.choice(durations, size=len(durations)) for dummy in range(nbootstrap)] ks_boot_set = [] r_squared_boot_set = [] survival_rates_boot_set = [] n_fitted_boot_set = [] for duration_boot in duration_boot_set: survival_func_boot = cal_survival_func(duration_boot, np.max(t_total), delta_t_list) survival_rates_boot = np.array([survival_func_boot[delta_t] for delta_t in delta_t_list]) _, _, r_squared_boot, params_boot = _curve_fitting(survival_func_boot, delta_t_list, initial_guess) n_fitted_boot = _bi_expo(np.array(delta_t_list), *params_boot) r_squared_boot = 1 - np.sum((np.nan_to_num(n_fitted_boot) - np.nan_to_num(survival_rates_boot)) ** 2) / np.sum( (survival_rates_boot - np.mean(survival_rates_boot)) ** 2) ks_boot = [abs(k) for k in params_boot[:2]] ks_boot.sort() ks_boot_set.append(ks_boot) r_squared_boot_set.append(r_squared_boot) survival_rates_boot_set.append(survival_rates_boot) n_fitted_boot_set.append(n_fitted_boot) else: ks_boot_set = [0] r_squared_boot_set = [0] survival_rates_boot_set = [0] n_fitted_boot_set = [0] properties = {"ks": ks, "res_time": res_time, "delta_t_list": delta_t_list, "survival_rates": survival_rates, "survival_rates_boot_set": survival_rates_boot_set, "n_fitted": n_fitted, "n_fitted_boot_set": n_fitted_boot_set, "ks_boot_set": ks_boot_set, "r_squared": r_squared, "r_squared_boot_set": r_squared_boot_set} return ks[0], res_time, properties
[docs]def cal_survival_func(durations, t_total, delta_t_list): r"""Compute the normalised survival function. Calculate the normalized survival time correlation function of the given list of durations. The survival time correlation function σ(t) is calculated as follow .. math:: \sigma(t) = \frac{1}{N_{j}} \frac{1}{T-t} \sum_{j=1}^{N_{j}} \sum_{v=0}^{T-t}\tilde{n}_{j}(v, v+t) where T is the length of the simulation trajectory, :math:`N_{j}` is the total number of lipid contacts and :math:`\sum_{v=0}^{T-t} \tilde{n}_{j}(v, v+t)` is a binary function that takes the value 1 if the contact of lipid j lasts from time ν to time v+t and 0 otherwise. The values of :math:`\sigma(t)` are calculated for every value of t from 0 to T ns, for each time step of the trajectories, and normalized by dividing by :math:`\sigma(t)`, so that the survival time-correlation function has value 1 at t = 0. Parameters ----------- durations : array_like A list of contact durations. t_total : scalar The duration or length, or the longest if using multiple simulations of different durations/lengths, of the simulation trajectories. Should be in the same time unit as durations. delta_t_list : array_like The list of :math:`\Delta t` for the survival function :math:`\sigma` to check the interaction survival rate. Returns ----------- survival_func : dict The survival function :math:`\sigma` stored in a dictionary {delta_t: survival rate}. See also ----------- pylipid.func.cal_koff Calculate residence time and koff. """ num_of_contacts = len(durations) survival_func = {} for delta_t in delta_t_list: if delta_t == 0: survival_func[delta_t] = 1 survival_func0 = float(sum([res_time - delta_t for res_time in durations if res_time >= delta_t])) / \ ((t_total - delta_t) * num_of_contacts) else: try: survival_func[delta_t] = float(sum([res_time - delta_t for res_time in durations if res_time >= delta_t])) / \ ((t_total - delta_t) * num_of_contacts * survival_func0) except ZeroDivisionError: survival_func[delta_t] = 0 return survival_func
def _curve_fitting(survival_func, delta_t_list, initial_guess): """Fit the exponential curve :math:`y=Ae^{-k_1\Delta t}+Be^{-k_2\Delta t}`""" survival_rates = np.nan_to_num([survival_func[delta_t] for delta_t in delta_t_list]) # y try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(_bi_expo, np.array(delta_t_list), np.array(survival_rates), p0=initial_guess, maxfev=100000) n_fitted = _bi_expo(np.array(delta_t_list, dtype=np.float128), *popt) r_squared = 1 - np.sum((np.nan_to_num(n_fitted) - np.nan_to_num(survival_rates))**2)/np.sum((survival_rates - np.mean(survival_rates))**2) ks = [abs(k) for k in popt[:2]] koff = np.min(ks) res_time = 1/koff except RuntimeError: koff = 0 res_time = 0 r_squared = 0 popt = [0, 0, 0, 0] return res_time, koff, r_squared, popt def _bi_expo(x, k1, k2, A, B): """The exponential curve :math:`y=Ae^{-k_1\Delta t}+Be^{-k_2\Delta t}`""" return A*np.exp(-k1*x) + B*np.exp(-k2*x)
[docs]def calculate_koff_wrapper(durations, title, fn, t_total=None, timestep=1, nbootstrap=10, initial_guess=[1., 1., 1., 1.], plot_data=True, timeunit="us", fig_close=True): """Wrapper function that calculates koff and plot koff. """ if np.sum(durations) == 0: koff = 0 res_time = 0 r_squared = 0 koff_boot = 0 r_squared_boot = 0 else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") koff, res_time, properties = cal_koff(durations, t_total, timestep, nbootstrap, initial_guess) r_squared = properties["r_squared"] koff_boot = np.mean(properties["ks_boot_set"], axis=0)[0] r_squared_boot = np.mean(properties["r_squared_boot_set"]) if plot_data: text = _format_koff_text(properties, timeunit) plot_koff(durations, properties["delta_t_list"], properties["survival_rates"], properties["n_fitted"], survival_rates_bootstraps=properties["survival_rates_boot_set"], fig_fn=fn, title=title, timeunit=timeunit, t_total=t_total, text=text, fig_close=fig_close) return koff, res_time, r_squared, koff_boot, r_squared_boot
def _format_koff_text(properties, timeunit): """Format text for koff plot. """ tu = "ns" if timeunit == "ns" else r"$\mu$s" text = "{:18s} = {:.3f} {:2s}$^{{-1}} $\n".format("$k_{{off1}}$", properties["ks"][0], tu) text += "{:18s} = {:.3f} {:2s}$^{{-1}} $\n".format("$k_{{off2}}$", properties["ks"][1], tu) text += "{:14s} = {:.4f}\n".format("$R^2$", properties["r_squared"]) ks_boot_avg = np.mean(properties["ks_boot_set"], axis=0) cv_avg = 100 * np.std(properties["ks_boot_set"], axis=0) / np.mean(properties["ks_boot_set"], axis=0) text += "{:18s} = {:.3f} {:2s}$^{{-1}}$ ({:3.1f}%)\n".format("$k_{{off1, boot}}$", ks_boot_avg[0], tu, cv_avg[0]) text += "{:18s} = {:.3f} {:2s}$^{{-1}}$ ({:3.1f}%)\n".format("$k_{{off2, boot}}$", ks_boot_avg[1], tu, cv_avg[1]) text += "{:14s} = {:.4f}\n".format("$R^2$$_{{boot}}$", np.mean(properties["r_squared_boot_set"])) text += "{:18s} = {:.3f} {:2s}".format("$Res. Time$", properties["res_time"], tu) return text