Source code for pylipid.util.pymol_script

# PyLipID: A python module for analysing protein-lipid interactions
# Author: Wanling Song
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# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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"""This module contains functions that write PyMol scripts."""

import os
from shutil import copyfile

__all__ = ["write_pymol_script"]

[docs]def write_pymol_script(fname, pdb_fname, data_fname, lipid, n_binding_site): """Write Python script that opens a PyMol session with binding site information. This function will generate a Python script which opens a PyMol session in which the binding site information stored in the interaction data file (a csv file provided by ``data_fname``) is mapped onto the receptor structure (loaded from a PDB coordinate file provided by ``pdb_fname``). In this PyMol session, residues from the same binding site are colored in the same color and shown in spheres with scales corresponding to their residence times. The PDB coordinate of the receptor need to have the same topology as in the simulations (i.e. the same as shown in the ``data_fname``). A warning will show up and break the PyMol seesion, if residue names are different or residue indices are different. As PyMol only recognizes atomistic structures, the PDB coordinates of the receptor (provided by ``pdb_fname``) needs to be an atomistic structure. For coarse-grained simulation results, this ``pdb_fname`` needs to be a PDB coordinates before the coarse-graining step. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename of the PyMol script to be written. pdb_fname : str The PDB coordinate file of the receptor. data_fname : str The csv file of the interaction data. lipid : str Lipid residue name n_binding_site : int Number of binding site detected (shown in the csv file). """ script_fname = os.path.abspath(fname) save_dir, _ = os.path.split(script_fname) pdb_new_fname = os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.basename(pdb_fname)) copyfile(os.path.abspath(pdb_fname), pdb_new_fname) data_fname = os.path.abspath(data_fname) text = """ import numpy as np import re import pymol from pymol import cmd pymol.finish_launching() ########## files to process ########## csv_file = "{CSV_FILE}" pdb_file = "{PDB}" ########## set the sphere scales to corresponding value ########## value_to_show = "Residence Time" ###### reading data from csv file ########## num_of_binding_site = {N_BINDING_SITE} with open(csv_file, "r") as f: data_lines = f.readlines() column_names = data_lines[0].strip().split(",") for column_idx, column_name in enumerate(column_names): if column_name == "Residue": column_id_residue_list = column_idx elif column_name == "Residue ID": column_id_residue_index = column_idx elif column_name == "Binding Site ID": column_id_BS = column_idx elif column_name == value_to_show: column_id_value_to_show = column_idx residue_list = [] residue_rank_set = [] binding_site_identifiers = [] values_to_show = [] for line in data_lines[1:]: data_list = line.strip().split(",") residue_list.append(data_list[column_id_residue_list]) residue_rank_set.append(data_list[column_id_residue_index]) binding_site_identifiers.append(float(data_list[column_id_BS])) values_to_show.append(data_list[column_id_value_to_show]) ############## read information from pdb file ########## with open(pdb_file, "r") as f: pdb_lines = f.readlines() residue_identifiers = [] for line in pdb_lines: line_stripped = line.strip() if line_stripped[:4] == "ATOM": identifier = (line_stripped[22:26].strip(), line_stripped[17:20].strip(), line_stripped[21].strip()) ## residue index, resname, chain id if len(residue_identifiers) == 0: residue_identifiers.append(identifier) elif identifier != residue_identifiers[-1]: residue_identifiers.append(identifier) ######### set sphere scales ############### values_to_show = np.array(values_to_show, dtype=float) MIN = np.percentile(np.unique(values_to_show), 5) MAX = np.percentile(np.unique(values_to_show), 100) X = (values_to_show - np.percentile(np.unique(values_to_show), 50))/(MAX - MIN) SCALES = 1/(0.5 + np.exp(-X * 5)) ######## some pymol settings ######### cmd.set("retain_order", 1) cmd.set("cartoon_oval_length", 1.0) cmd.set("cartoon_oval_width", 0.3) cmd.set("cartoon_color", "white") cmd.set("stick_radius", 0.35) ################################## cmd.load(pdb_file, "Prot_{LIPID}") prefix = "Prot_{LIPID}" cmd.hide("everything")"cartoon", prefix) cmd.orient(prefix) colors = np.array([np.random.choice(np.arange(256, dtype=float), size=3) for dummy in range(num_of_binding_site)]) colors /= 255.0 """.format(**{"SAVE_DIR": save_dir, "LIPID": lipid, "N_BINDING_SITE": n_binding_site, "PDB": pdb_new_fname, "CSV_FILE": data_fname}) text += r""" residue_list = np.array(residue_list, dtype=str) residue_rank_set = np.array(residue_rank_set, dtype=int) binding_site_identifiers = np.array(binding_site_identifiers, dtype=int) residue_identifiers = list(residue_identifiers) for bs_id in np.arange(num_of_binding_site): cmd.set_color("tmp_{}".format(bs_id), list(colors[bs_id])) for entry_id in np.where(binding_site_identifiers == bs_id)[0]: selected_residue = residue_list[entry_id] selected_residue_rank = residue_rank_set[entry_id] identifier_from_pdb = residue_identifiers[selected_residue_rank] if re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+$", selected_residue)[0] != identifier_from_pdb[1]: raise IndexError( "The {}th residue in the provided pdb file ({}{}) is different from that in the simulations ({})!".format( entry_id+1, identifier_from_pdb[0], identifier_from_pdb[1], selected_residue) ) if identifier_from_pdb[2] != " ":"BSid{}_{}".format(bs_id, selected_residue), "chain {} and resid {} and (not name C+O+N)".format(identifier_from_pdb[2], identifier_from_pdb[0])) else:"BSid{}_{}".format(bs_id, selected_residue), "resid {} and (not name C+O+N)".format(identifier_from_pdb[0]))"spheres", "BSid{}_{}".format(bs_id, selected_residue)) cmd.set("sphere_scale", SCALES[entry_id], selection="BSid{}_{}".format(bs_id, selected_residue)) cmd.color("tmp_{}".format(bs_id), "BSid{}_{}".format(bs_id, selected_residue))"BSid{}".format(bs_id), "BSid{}_*".format(bs_id)) """ with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write(text) return